Undangan sudah disebar melalui email. Acara syukuran ulang tahun saya kali ini akan dilakukan di restaurant apung di Pantai Mutiara, Pangempang. Tapi bukan makan-makan biasa, karena syarat untuk ikut acara ini adalah bersepeda ke tempat tujuan, pulang pergi. Dari kantor, restoran ini berjarak sekitar 13km atau sekitar 30 menit buat saya dan 45 menit s/d 1 jam untuk rata-rata peserta lainnya yang tidak biasa bersepeda, nonstop, untuk sekali jalan. Pukul 05:00 sore, rombongan gelombang pertama, yaitu yang santai ataupun tidak biasa bersepeda, berangkat. Saya dan rombongan grup gowes kantor berangkat pukul 05:30 sore. Dengan kecepatan lumayan dan konstan, kami berhasil menyusul rombongan pertama di 5 km pertama. Karena saya yang punya hajat, saya minta izin untuk pisah dari rombongan dan pergi melaju duluan. Dalam waktu 30 menit saya sudah sampai dan memastikan jumlah hidangan yang diperlukan mencukupi.
Bersepeda menyambut hari batik nasional // Bike ride celebrating National Batik day |
Invitations had been distributed via email. My birthday party that year will be held at Pantai Mutiara Restaurant, Pangempang. But it was not just ordinary birthday party, because the requirement to participate in this event was just by taking bike ride to the Restaurant from main field office. Nobody was allowed to brought a car, but some of them were still brought the car at the late afternoon. The distance is 13km one way, or about 45 minutes/1 hour ride for regular, and about 30 minutes for our field office's biker's club. At 05:00p.m. the first group went first then followed by biker's group 30 minutes later. We successfully get passed the first group at the first 5km, thed decided to ride in bigger group. I bid permission to ride ahead to coordinate with the restaurant owner. I reached the restaurant in 30 minutes and ensure all meals and drinks were perfectly served
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Acara ulang tahun saya ala pesepeda // My birthday bash party ala biker style |
Acara berlangsung lancar. Saat kepulangan, hari sudah gelap. Untuk keselamatan, gowesers yang membawa lampu bergerak bersama rombongan lainnya bersama-sama. Kami sampai kembali ke Camp sekitar pukup 09:00 malam. Seperti itulah sepotong cerita dari keseruan bersepeda di kantor. Menurut saya, dibandingkan sepeda statis, bersepeda di luar memiliki beberapa kelebihan.
The party went well. It was late when the party is finished. For safety, bikers equipped with front light assisting the others. After a long dark bike trip, we managed to return to camp at 09:00 p.m. It was one of my story during bike at work. In my opinion, compared with static cycle, cycling outdoor has many advantages
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Acara perpisahan anggota klub sepeda // Farewell party of one club member |
1. Melepas stress
Beberapa sumber mengatakan bersepeda di luar memicu pelepasan hormon endorfin yaitu pemicu bahagia, yang menekan jumlah hormon serotonin, pemicu depresi. Karenanya selain olahraga, bersepeda memiliki bonus tambahan, yaitu rekreasi.
1. Reducing stressSome literature emphasized that cycling outdoor triggers endorfin hormone release which contribute to happiness and comfort sense, in contrary reducing serotonin hormone, the one contribute to stress/depression. Because of that, cycling has additional benefit, which is recreation.
2. Melatih kekuatan dan stamina
Bersepeda selain sebagai olahraga kardio (melatih jantung), juga berfungsi sebagai low impact aerobik yang melatih sendi-sendi kaki dan kekuatan tulang punggung.
2. Increasing lower body strength and staminaBike ride beside of regarded as cardiac exercise, is also benefit as low impact aerobic exercise that trains leg ligaments and the flexibility of spinal bone.
3. Silaturahmi
Tinggal di lingkungan camp yang dijaga security 24 jam dan dilengkapi fasilitas lengkap bukan menjadi alasan untuk tidak bersosialisasi ke luar pagar. Sepulang bersepeda, kita bisa mampir ke kedai-kedai masyarakat, mengunjungi pasar malam di beberapa tempat berbeda, atau membeli suplai kebutuhan (seperti alat tulis, alat mandi, buah-buahan, dll) di warung/toko-toko masyarakat.
3. Socialize with localsStay in 24 hours secured camp with full facilities, is not a reason to spend all time inside the perimeter. I like to stop by at locals food stall, tasting local food, visiting night market, local fruit stalls, or just buying the personal stuff or stationary from local shop.
4. Bercengkrama dengan alam
Alam daerah operasi perusahaan tempat saya bekerja masih terbilang cukup asri meskipun sudah banyak penduduk disana-sini. Kawanan burung bangau kuntul putih menghiasi angkasa hampir setiap sore. Tidak seperti di Jakarta dimana riuh burung gereja yang terdengar, namun di sini kicau kutilang seakan seperti bukan burung bernilai tinggi seperti di Jakarta. Jika cuaca dan waktunya tepat, hewan asli Kalimantan Timur seperti Bekantan kadang-kadang terlihat bergelantungan di pepohonan bakau rawa-rawa. Biawak seukuran buaya kadang-kadang melintas gagah menyebrangi jalan.
4. Enjoy the native ecosystemThe ecosystem around my company camp is still pristine and unique, even the people begin to utilize lands for farmings and housings. The horde of white herons sighted on the sky every afternoon. The domestic birds that are often sighted is bulbuls, which is different from my hometown in Java, where the domestic birds are house sparrows. The price of bulbuls in Jakarta is relatively high in bird market, but here, bulbuls can be seen everywhere in the morning. If the weather and time is right, the proboscis monkeys can be sighted eating the leaves near the mangrove area. A mature monitor lizard are often sighted crossing the road.
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Bangau kuntul Muara Badak // Wild herons at Muara Badak |
Kebersamaan adalah tujuan utama, kesehatan dan kebugaran adalah bonus // Togetherness is the main purpose, health and fitness are the bonuses |
5. Sinar matahari
Untuk yang pekerjaannya lebih banyak di kantor, menikmati matahari hanya bisa dirasakan ketika libur field break. Sinar matahari yang lembut dapat memberikan asupan vitamin D dan sekaligus relaksasi pikiran karena rasa panas lembutnya dan keindahan suasana sore, memberikan relaksasi tersendiri.
5. SunlightFor the worker that mainly in the office, enjoying sunlight can be done during field break. The warm sunlight in the morning and afternoon brings nutritions vit.D and relaxation. The beauty of afternoon sunset is also refreshing the mind from one day working.
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Panitia funbike |
Jadi jelas, seluruh keunggulan ini secara langsung akan membuat kita lebih bugar secara fisik dan pikiran, dan akhirnya meningkatkan produktivitas dan kreativitas. Namun di balik keunggulan ini, terdapat resiko seperti kecelakaan tunggal atau kecelakaan lalu lintas serta kriminalitas. Akan tetapi resiko bisa diminimalkan dengan penerapan alat pelindung yang sesuai (helm, jersey berwarna cerah, kacamata, sepatu, dll) serta buddy system. Tidak boleh bersepeda blusukan sendiri tanpa partner.
We can conclude that all benefits behind bike at work program will make us fit physically and mentally, which in turns it will increase creativity and productivity at work. But beware that behind these benefits, lies risk of traffic accident and crimes. Those risk can be minimized with proper protective bike wear (helmet, light colored jersey, safety glasses, shoes, etc). Don't forget buddy system to prevent crimes, where never bike outside alone
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Test ride Polygon Xtrada IV |