Rubus reflexus ker. atau yang dikenal sebagai arbei hutan merupakan keluarga raspberry, biasa tumbuh di daerah pegunungan dengan ketinggian sampai dengan 2600 mdpl. Rasa yang manis asam kecut bisa menjadi pelepas dahaga. Namun jangan diambil berlebihan karena arbei hutan ini adalah pakan alami burung dan monyet yang tinggal di hutan itu.
Rubus reflexus ker. or popularly called forest berry, is a family of raspberry. It grew in mountainous environment with the altitude approx. 2600 asl. The fruit tastes sweet and a bit sour and effective for the cure of thirsty. But as the mountaineer's rule : don't take it excessively, because it is indeed natural food for birds and monkeys in the forest
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Rubus reflexus ker. I found in Ijen |
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Rubus reflexus ker. I found in Semeru |
Saya selalu mengambil beberapa butir setiap mendaki. Hanya untuk mengobati rasa kangen terhadap rasanya. Buah arbei ini saya temukan hampir di beberapa gunung yang sudah saya daki. Di Gunung Semeru, tanaman ini banyak terdapat di antara pos 2 hingga Ranu Kumbolo. Di Gunung Ijen, hampir sepanjang perjalanan menuju kawah terdapat tanaman ini. Di Gunung Rinjani, tanaman ini banyak di temui antara Pos 3 Senaru dan Plawangan Senaru.
I always took a few of them every hiking. It did that because I love how it tastes. I found them in almost every mounts I have hiked. In Mt. Semeru, this plant can be found between second post (Watu Rejeng, I recalled) to Ranu Kumbolo lake. In Mt. Ijen, this plant can be found in almost all the way up to the crater. In Mt. Rinjani, this plant can be found between the third post from Senaru, up until Plawangan Senaru
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Rubus reflexus ker. I found in Rinjani |
Tanaman ini termasuk jenis semak perdu, batang yang berambut dan memiliki duri di ketiak daun. Meskipun kecut tapi siapa sangka, mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya Malang yang sempat hilang di Semeru tahun 2012 bisa bertahan hidup dengan memakan arbei hutan ini.
This plant is classified as bush, a hairy branches and equipped with thorns on its axillary buds. Rather of its sour taste, who knows that the lost Mt. Semeru hiker from Brawijaya University in 2012, survived by eating these fruits.
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Spesies lain arbei hutan yang lebih manis namun meninggalkan kesan gatal di tenggorokan // Other species of forest berries that is more sweet but leave itchy sensation in the throat |